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                                                                Jigyasa - 2022

The EVS department organized the EVS Week Jigyasa from 13th December 2022-15th December 2022. Jigyasa epitomizes the thirst to enhance knowledge, broaden horizons, and ignite curiosity. The week commenced with an interclass competition ‘Science Stalwarts’ wherein students of class V dressed as scientists spoke about their remarkable inventions. A Talk by the Dentist Dr. Anshu Blaggana was conducted for the students of class IV, they were made aware of dental hygiene and care of the teeth. It was an interactive session the doctor interacted with the students and answered their queries. A ‘Poster Boaster’ intraclass competition on the topic ‘Save Soil’ was organized for the students of class III. Students made beautiful posters using discarded materials.

On the 2nd day of the EVS week ‘Recycle It All, However, Small’ an intra-class competition was conducted for children of class 5. Class IV students participated enthusiastically in the interclass ‘Master Minds’ Quiz. Class III learned about trees growing in various habitats through a puzzle ‘Tree Tracker’ conducted for them.

On the 3rd day, all the classes III-V watched the movie Madagascar-I and a documentary on ‘Our Planet’. Students experienced the planet’s natural beauty and how climate change impacts all living creatures.

Students enjoyed all the fun-filled and interesting competitions and activities conducted during EVS Week. The week was a great success and was appreciated by all.




